The best team for the job

Our mission is to provide a common access control, authorization and identity infrastructure that manages IAM and the associated data created in cloud applications. And we've got just the right people for the job - join our team and find out why.

Aeneas Rekkas

Aeneas Rekkas

> Engineering, Co-founder

Thomas Aidan Curran

Thomas Aidan Curran

> Product, Co-Founder

Patrik Neu

Patrik Neu

> Engineering

John Curran

John Curran

> Design

Vincent Kraus

Vincent Kraus

> Developer Relations

Andreas Bucksteeg

Andreas Bucksteeg

> Engineering

Piotr Mścichowski

Piotr Mścichowski

> Engineering

Jakub Blaszczyk

Jakub Blaszczyk

> Engineering

Alano Terblanche

Alano Terblanche

> Engineering

Alano Terblanche

Grant Zvolský

> Engineering

Tobias Sahl

Tobias Sahl

> Digital Marketing

Michael Leyman

Michael Leyman

> Engineering

Rinor Gashi

Rinor Gashi

> Digital Marketing

Anirudh Oppiliappan

Anirudh Oppiliappan

> Engineering

Leonie Habermann

Leonie Habermann

> Operations

Rebecca Gong

Rebecca Gong

> Finance

Andrew Minkin

Andrew Minkin

> Developer Relations

Marwin Härttrich

Marwin Härttrich

> Digital Marketing

Adam Wałach

Adam Wałach

> Engineering

Ferdynand Naczynski

Ferdynand Naczynski

> Engineering

Tomasz Papiernik

Tomasz Papiernik

> Technical Writing

The best community in the world

Ory is a community of collaborators, friends, and makers of wonderful software. The Ory Community works together to create useful products. We thank everyone involved - submitting new ideas, sending bug reports, writing feature requests, patching code, and sponsoring our work.

The Ory Community

Hello, nice to meet you

Ory is open. Get to know us by trying out our products, or joining a conversation on Ory Slack or GitHub Discussions. And we are hiring.

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We are looking for collaborators and colleagues to build Ory with us. We work together, learn, and grow as a team.

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