Christian Roggia is a DevOps Engineer specialized in Golang Backend development using state-of-the-art CI/CD pipelines and Microservices architecture. He is a contributor and former member of the Kubernetes and Helm projects, along with the Google Compute Engine Persistent Disk CSI Driver and the Envoy proxy.
Building a Google-like IAM System from Scratch Through Ory Products
A reliable Identity and Access Management (IAM) system is a critical component within technological enterprises that implement microservice architectures. But being able to scale to dozens or hundreds of APIs is a hard requirement to meet when performance and security are a major concern. In this talk, attendees will explore how Animeshon implemented Google-like IAM policies through Ory Hydra and Ory Kratos along with their open-source Graph Role-Based Access Control (gRBAC) and a custom Identity-Aware Proxy inspired by the Google Cloud IAP.